The following is a complete list (as of July 14th, 2013) of all campaign achievements from Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. Where possible, I have sorted them by mission. Hence, certain achievements which fall under “Story Mode” or “Mastery,” I have moved to the applicable mission for easy reference while playing.
Umoja Missions
10 points: Complete the Umoja Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. (Story Mode Achievement)
10 points: Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Umoja Missions.
20 points: Complete all the Umoja Mission achievements.
Lab Rat
10 points: Complete the “Lab Rat” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Destroy 35 Sentry Bots in the “Lab Rat” mission.
10 points: Complete the “Lab Rat” mission in less than 10 minutes on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy 3 Factories in the “Lab Rat” mission in less than 10 minutes on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Back in the Saddle
10 points: Complete the “Back in the Saddle” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Prevent the Dominion from destroying a tram engine during the tram ride in the “Back in the Saddle” mission.
10 points: Don’t take any damage from the Archangel in the “Back in the Saddle” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Complete “Back in the Saddle” with more than 40 seconds on each lockdown on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
10 points: Complete the “Rendezvous” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Destroy 15 enemy structures before Naktul’s forces arrive in the “Rendezvous” mission.
10 points: Rescue all trapped Swarm Queens before Naktul’s forces arrive in the “Rendezvous” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy all Dominion Structures in the “Rendezvous” mission before Naktul’s brood arrives on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Char Missions
10 points: Complete the Char Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. (Story Mode Achievement)
10 points: Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Char Missions.
20 points: Complete all the Char Mission achievements.
10 points: Complete the “Domination” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Hatch all 6 Baneling Nests in the “Domination” mission before collecting 100 eggs.
10 points: Don’t let Zagara collect an Egg in the “Domination” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy Zagara’s base in the “Domination” mission in less than 14 minutes on Hard difficulty before collecting 100 eggs. (Mastery Achievement)
Fire in the Sky
10 points: Complete the “Fire in the Sky” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Don’t let 5 units die to the Gorgon Battlecruiser in the “Fire in the Sky” mission.
10 points: Destroy 3 Orbital Command structures in the “Fire in the Sky” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy 4 Gorgon Battlecruisers within 120 seconds in the “Fire in the Sky” mission on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Old Soldiers
10 points: Complete the “Old Soldiers” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Destroy 20 enemy structures before the 1st Nuclear Strike in the “Old Soldiers” mission.
10 points: Complete the “Old Soldiers” mission in less than 20 minutes on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy the Planetary Fortress in the “Old Soldiers” mission before the nuclear strike on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Kaldir Missions
10 points: Complete the Kaldir Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. (Story Mode Achievement)
10 points: Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Kaldir Missions.
20 points: Complete all the Kaldir Mission achievements.
Harvest of Screams
10 points: Complete the “Harvest of Screams” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Destroy 20 unfrozen enemy structures in the “Harvest of Screams” mission.
10 points: Complete the “Harvest of Screams” mission in less than 15 minutes on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Complete all objectives in less than 12 minutes in the “Harvest of Screams” mission on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Shoot the Messenger
10 points: Complete the “Shoot the Messenger” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Don’t let a Protoss Shuttle begin Warping Out in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission.
10 points: Destroy 2 Protoss Nexuses in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy all 3 Protoss Docking Bays in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Enemy Within
10 points: Complete the “Enemy Within” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Collect 450 biomass in the “Enemy Within” mission.
10 points: Don’t let an Escape Pod reach less than 20 seconds in the “Enemy Within” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Kill 15 units with the Giant Ursadon in the “Enemy Within” mission on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Zerus Missions
10 points: Complete the Zerus Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. (Story Mode Achievement)
10 points: Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Zerus Missions.
20 points: Complete all the Zerus Mission achievements.
Waking the Ancient
10 points: Complete the “Waking the Ancient” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Don’t lose more than 3 Drones in the “Waking the Ancient” mission.
10 points: Kill 4 Primal Hives in the “Waking the Ancient” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Don’t let Brakk destroy any Biomass in the “Waking the Ancient” mission on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
The Crucible
10 points: Complete “The Crucible” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Kill 75 enemy units with Primal Spawn Locusts in “The Crucible” mission.
10 points: Complete “The Crucible” mission without Kerrigan’s Chrysalis taking damage on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Kill the Tyrannozor in under 1 minute after it appears in “The Crucible” mission on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
10 points: Complete the “Supreme” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Kill 500 enemy units with Kerrigan in the “Supreme” mission.
10 points: Complete the “Supreme” mission without letting Kerrigan drop below 100 life on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Complete the “Supreme” mission in less than 12 minutes on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Skygeirr Missions
10 points: Complete the Skygeirr Station missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. (Story Mode Achievement)
10 points: Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Skygeirr Missions.
20 points: Complete all the Skygeirr Mission achievements.
10 points: Complete the “Infested” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Kill 60 enemy units with Parasitic Dominated terran units in the “Infested” mission.
10 points: Infest all Garrisons without losing a Virophage in the “Infested” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Complete the “Infested” mission before the Dominion Gas the Platform a 3rd time on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Hand of Darkness
10 points: Complete the “Hand of Darkness” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Destroy 2 Command Centers in the “Hand of Darkness” mission.
10 points: Destroy 3 Hybrid Holding Cells before the Hybrid are released in “Hand of Darkness” on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Kill 3 Hybrid Dominators with Terran units in the “Hand of Darkness” mission on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Phantoms of the Void
10 points: Complete the “Phantoms of the Void” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Don’t let Stukov die in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission.
10 points: Kill 2 Hybrid within 20 seconds of each other in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy all Protoss structures in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Space Missions
10 points: Complete the Space Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. (Story Mode Achievement)
10 points: Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Space Missions.
20 points: Complete all the Space Mission achievements.
With Friends Like These…
10 points: Complete the “With Friends Like These…” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Collect every mineral pickup with the Hyperion in the “With Friends Like These…” mission.
10 points: Don’t let a Mag Mine hit the Hyperion in the “With Friends Like These…” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Complete the “With Friends Like These…” mission in less than 11 minutes on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
10 points: Complete the “Conviction” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Prevent Kerrigan’s life from dropping below 50% in the “Conviction” mission.
10 points: Reach the Prison Deck with Kerrigan in less than 8 minutes in the “Conviction” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Complete the “Conviction” mission in less than 10 minutes on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Final Missions
10 points: Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Final Missions.
20 points: Complete all the Final Mission achievements.
10 points: Complete the “Planetfall” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Don’t lose a Bile Launcher in the “Planetfall” mission.
10 points: Destroy 3 Augustgrad Gates before the 5th Bile Launcher lands in the “Planetfall” mission on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy all Dominion structures in the “Planetfall” mission before the 5th Bile Launcher lands on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Death from Above
10 points: Complete the “Death from Above” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Destroy 20 enemy structures before the 2nd Psi Destroyer field activation in the “Death From Above” mission.
10 points: Don’t let Dehaka die while destroying a Power Link in the “Death From Above” mission on Normal difficulty.
The Reckoning
10 points: Complete the “The Reckoning” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Prevent the Hyperion from taking damage in “The Reckoning” mission.
10 points: Complete “The Reckoning” mission in less than 25 minutes on Normal difficulty.
10 points: Destroy the Odin in “The Reckoning” mission before Mengsk sends it at Raynor on Hard difficulty. (Mastery Achievement)
Story Mode
10 points: On Char, teach Zagara what it means to be the ruler of the Swarm.
10 points: Discover the true purpose of the Xel’Naga Artifact while at the Skygeirr Platform.
10 points: Discover Zeratul’s next destination.
10 points: Click on each object viewable from the Leviathan: Warfield’s Fortress, Skygeirr Station, Void Seeker, Hyperion, Nafash’s Hatchery, The Ancient One, Communications Relay, & Mengsk’s Palace.
10 points: Show off your new look to the following characters [Izsha, Abathur, Zurvan].
10 points: Speak to the following characters before assaulting Mengsk’s Palace on Korhal [Abathur, Zagara, Dehaka, Stukov, Izsha].
10 points: Mutate each Zerg unit in the Evolution Pit.
70 points: Reach Kerrigan Level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
10 points: Complete all Kerrigan Level, Army mutation, and Evolution mission achievements.
10 points: Complete all the Evolution missions.
10 points: Complete the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
40 points: Complete 5, 10, 15, 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Normal difficulty.
40 points: Complete 5, 10, 15, 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Hard difficulty.
40 points: Complete 5, 10, 15, 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Brutal difficulty.
10 points: Kill 50 enemy units or structures with Kinetic Blast.
10 points: Deal 15,000 damage with Leaping Strike.
10 points: Target and hit 150 enemy units with Crushing Grip.
10 points: Deal 5,000 damage with Chain Reaction.
10 points: Deal 5,000 damage with Psionic Shift.
10 points: Reconstitute 500 Zerglings with Zergling Reconstitution.
10 points: Target and hit 100 friendly units with Wild Mutation.
10 points: Kill 100 enemy units or structures with Spawn Banelings.
10 points: Morph 36 sets of Drones with the Twin Drones ability active.
10 points: Kill 100 enemy units with the Infest Broodlings ability active.
10 points: Maintain Kerrigan’s Fury for 60 seconds with Fury.
10 points: Use 4 abilities within 10 seconds with Ability Efficiency.
10 points: Use Drop-Pods 3 times in a single mission.
10 points: Use a Leviathan to kill 25 enemy units or structures in a single mission.
10 points: Use Apocalypse to kill 50 enemy units or structures in a single mission.
20 points: Complete all the Kerrigan achievements.